PPAI Names Essent as One of The Greatest Companies to Work For

Essent is one of the greatest workplaces in the promotional products industry.

The technology solutions provider has been named one of the 2015 PPB Greatest Companies to Work For. Editors for PPB, the PPAI magazine, chose Essent after reading many thoughtful nominations from Essent employees.

The 10 winners for 2015 share attributes that attract and retain good employees, including strong work ethics and values and ability to work together and recognize contributions, according to PPB.

PPAI Greatest Companies to Work For Logo"If Essent is a great company it's because its people are great,” shared Eric Alessi, Essent President and CEO when asked about this achievement. "Collectively we have formed a unique culture that is passionate about developing creative solutions to complex business problems. On behalf of everyone at Essent, I am both proud of our accomplishments and humbled at the recognition of our great team!"

Other 2015 winners are suppliers Ball Pro Promotional Group, Graphco Line, Picnic Time Inc., Pinnacle Designs, and Showdown Displays, as well as distributors Axis Promotions, Geiger, Image Masters, and Progressive Promotions.

Here’s a sampling of what Essent employees said in their nominations:

Love is a strong word but I can honestly say that I love working for Essent. 


Why do you love working for Essent? "Love is a strong word but I can honestly say that I love working for Essent. In my professional career, I've worked for numerous organizations. Besides the military, I never felt the sense of accomplishment and pride that I have when I end my workday at Essent."

How does Essent celebrate successes? "Besides the breakfasts, the picnics, and team building events; a fist bump, a high five, or a simple good job are ways we celebrate success. Honestly, the strength and growth of the Essent team and the organization is a consistent reminder of our success, no celebration needed."

What makes Essent different from other companies? "The camaraderie at Essent is off the charts. We're all invested in each other's success. … We're all on the same team, right from the boss all the way down to the newest guy here."