PPB Greatest Companies to Work For: 'Intelligent, Sharp Coworkers'

Essent was named one of the 2015 PPB Greatest Companies to Work For in the promotional products industry.
The technology solutions provider was chosen based on nominations from its employees, including this one from Damon Kopp of the Systems Integration team.
Why do you love working at Essent?
Engaging with intelligent, sharp coworkers and having the ability to learn and work on a wide range of leading-edge technologies.
What makes Essent different from other companies in the industry or other companies you have worked for?
Progressive small company where hard-working, ambitious new team members can make a sizable positive impact within the department and/or the entire organization. Essent is efficient and functional. Essent recognizes and retains true talent and is able to lighten up the reins and refrain from over micromanaging.