Essent® has established the PromoStandards Product Pricing & Configuration (PPC) endpoint that helps form the baseline for efficient Well-Formed orders, and the integration is now available to customers.
"PPC helps solve a problem that’s as old as custom product sales itself: how to take the inherent complexity of custom products and simplify it so that orders are complete and accurate and can move forward without delay and costs.”
The PromoStandards™ PPC integration helps suppliers receive purchase orders that are complete, accurate, include only valid options, and therefore require minimal manual processing.
PromoStandards PPC: How It Works
Via the Essent OrderTrax® Network and the PPC Integration, suppliers or manufacturers publish PPC information like decoration locations, decoration methods, and pricing rules unique to their product catalog and lines.
Distributors who consume the information then know what a supplier or manufacturer requires to create, process, and fulfill orders efficiently.
Because the order requirements are known, distributors can create complete, accurate Well-Formed purchase orders that are ready for immediate processing, saving time and labor for the supplier and distributor alike.
PromoStandards PPC Helps Solve An Age-Old Problem
"The PromoStandards Product Pricing & Configuration integration helps solve a problem that’s as old as custom product sales itself: how to take the inherent complexity of custom products and simplify it so that orders are complete and accurate and can move forward without delay and costs,” said Steve Luisser, the Essent Vice President of Research who earned a PPAI Technology Summit Award for his integration work.
"By helping ensure the required information is known, the PPC integration sets the groundwork for order automation so that no manual intervention isn't needed at all in receiving and processing orders,” Mr. Luisser said.
PPB Magazine has previously reported on the costs of faulty purchase orders, which take time and labor to complete, clarify and fix. Some suppliers say that poorly-formed orders cost them more than $10,000 per day. The PromoStandards PPC integration is major portion of the solution.
Creating and Leveraging the PromoStandards PPC Solution
The PPC endpoint was defined and developed by Essent President & CEO Eric Alessi and Hit Promotional Products Chief Information Officer Eric Shonebarger. Essent and Hit are both founding members of PromoStandards, a group of distributors, suppliers, and service providers dedicated to improving supply chain efficiency in the promotional products industry through integration.
The next phase for Essent is to host the PPC integration within the EssentOne business management system. Within the enterprise-grade EssentOne, the integration can leverage the EssentOne Product Information Manager, Product Configuration Engine and Inventory and Fulfillment modules.
By leveraging the EssentOne tools, order processing can become completely automated, from order submission throughout invoicing and payment.
The PromoStandards Purchase Order endpoint is also now available via the Essent OrderTrax Network. Learn more