Creating and Tracking Promotions Throughout the Ecommerce Lifecycle

Essent ecommerce websites and company stores integrate with the back-office business management system so it’s easy to create promotions and automatically apply them, account for them and track them from start to finish.
A built-in Promotions Engine provides a variety of promotions such as discounts, free shipping, quantity-based price breaks and more, which can be applied to individual products, bundled products, and groups of products for almost limitless promotion combinations.
Here’s how it works with Essent:
- Create promotions: Sellers can create a wide range of simple and sophisticated promotions that can be applied to individual items, such as 10% off an overstocked item; applied to groups of offerings, such as buy-one-get-one-free; or applied to the total order amount, such as free shipping on orders over $100.
- Apply promotions: When the promotion is deployed as a promotions code, it can be automatically added to marketing emails via URL parameters. When the recipient clicks through the email to the website, the code can be displayed prominently in a banner ad or simply automatically applied to transactions in that session.
- Track promotions: The seller, by customer, can see which marketing emails were opened and clicked and which pages were visited, as well as transactional information including: items bought, items added to carts, items removed from carts, abandoned carts, and returned items.
- Restrict promotions: Promotions codes can be restricted by customer, by website, and by other criteria. This helps the seller control offerings so that only the target market is incentivized.
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