Essent Place is Built for Problem Solving and the EPIC Methodology
Essent likes to solve problems: How can we automate tasks with computers so that people are freed up to do what they do best? Essent Place is where we answer that question.
The Essent Project Implementation Cycle (EPIC) – analysis, agreement, design, development, delivery, and support -- is the proven Essent methodology that consistently generates solutions to the challenges that businesses face. And Essent Place is designed to facilitate each phase of EPIC.
In phases that require collaboration, colleagues can meet up in an open-office development area, talk over diner-style seating in the nook, head to a conference room, or even grab a couple of stools at the lunch bar.
Other phases require solitude and concentration. Employees can retreat to their work stations in the quieter team rooms and work stations to think through and create their solutions.
Some phases require people who aren’t at Essent Place. Every room is equipped to facilitate remote meetings, whether it’s conducted from someone’s own workstation or in a larger setting like the Conference Center.
Through the Essent Project Implementation Cycle, Essent creates commerce and management concepts, tools, and solutions that are distributed internationally. Their creators and implementers reside at Essent Place, a building designed for solving problems.